Wednesday 26 November 2008

Painted Weights

The main bulk of today was spent sorting out these problems with painting weights. Many tears were shed, and I nearly ended up owing the college money for a new computer, but with some moral encouragement from Dan and some very useful help from Alex Hulse I didn't have to resort to breaking anything!

The first issue that had been causing me problems was how I'd bound the skin to the character group rather than the individual geometery. This was probably confusing maya and causing the duplicate influences, but was easily solved simply by re-skinning.
The second issue was some keyframes on the mouth left over from Dans blendshape test. Again, easily solved by deleting those keyframes.
The third and most complex issue was my workflow. Alex suggested that I should focus on adding influence to joints that shouldn't be influenced by anything else so that nothing else can influence it. For example, completely flooding the afro geometery white so that no other joint can mess it up. After sorting out these main areas, it was just a case of fine tuning the other more delicate areas like the hands and feet. I still don't fully understand to be honest, but I definately have a much better idea of how to tackle painting weights now.

Another thing I picked up from Alex was not to bind anything that's going to be blendshaped or rigged further. I.e. the zip, as this will disable the ability to do anything with it. Instead I have parented them to the root controller (pelvis) so that they will still always stay with the model.

So here he is in all his arrogance! I'm very pleased with this rig. There's still 2 more things I want to do. One is to put a jiggle deformer on the Afro geometery, and the other is to sort the zip out so it can move. Both should be fairly straightforward processes and shouldn't take too long.

I havn't shown everything the rig is capable of in this playblast, mainly because it seems like a waste of time to go about keyframing all of that. Basically the full description of how it works is a couple of posts down.

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