Friday 14 November 2008

early colour tests

so here are some early colour tests. No textures thus far, just trying to get the colour right. The first image is totally wrong, its screamingly loud and all I can see is orange tiles. The second image is simply way too purple, and is too rich in colour. The third is getting there, adding more red based the colours from Phils research into the villas. The fourth is more like what I was aiming for, adding a bit more orange to get that salmon colouring.
The balconies and gutters are still completely the wrong colour, they stick out way too much.
Also, I perhaps need to seperate the actual glass planes of the windows from the mesh and do something more 'windowlike' with them. (I.e. transparency? lights coming Through? Simple reflectivity? At least a different colouring.) Particularly with the windows on the side sections as they are completely lost in the colour having no window frames or anything.

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