Thursday 30 October 2008

Roof tiles

slightly more developed roof here based on reference. I decided to make the tiles massive as it makes it look more interesting and cartoony.

Roof tile reference

Just needed a quick reference for the spanish villa style roof tiles. It's hard to see from any photo, but if you enlarge you can just about make out the pattern. Curved and overlapping.

Quick lighting experiment

Considering phils conceptual colour scheme of the mansion exterior being a pale creamy pink, I had a quick lighting experiment with this scene. The directional light (assumably the sun) casts purple shadows. Not sure if this works though.

Lattice deformed doorway

Simple lattice deformation makes this look so much better

mansion doorway

Very rough model for the doorway/porch. It needs to be more wacky, and the doorway needs to be able to open as this will be duplicated and stitched onto the foyer.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Rough mansion model

Ok so this is a rough idea of the general mansion shape. The wacky/smooth stylings are easily accomplished using Poly-proxy mode when modelling with subdivisions.

Barbell modell

initial weight room design

Ok this is very simple and to be honest I'm not sure if this works. Will keep thinking

Sunday 26 October 2008

Second Draft Screenplay

Screenplay “Pony Fontana’s Crib”

Quick cuts between the Jollygood sign and a fast pan down to the mansion. Information screen comes up with the house information. I.e. 3000 square feet; 4 bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; 1 twat; underground storage warehouse; Jollygood, Les Angels. Cuts of house exterior appear in side window. Quick track up steps to door followed by fade to closeup of an enormous front door. Door opens. Camera pans down to reveal tiny Pony Fontana standing there in a robe.

Quick cuts between various antiques, the red carpeted stairs, and eventually a pan revealing the room in its entirety focusing on the large statue of an overly masculine statue of Pony looking heroic with his foot on a severed bear head. Pony stands in front of it and starts posing. Camera attempts to look past him, and eventually turns to a door and heads towards it. Fade to next scene.

Cuts between weight machines, medals on the wall, empty trophy cabinet, and full view of room. Pony enters and pulls the camera to be back on him. He goes to do some weight lifting and cant quite lift the weights. He gives himself a hernia and falls down.

Cuts between sun loungers, parasols, cocktail bar, and a pan to full shot of whole pool. Pony is standing in full view with his back turned posing and clenching his buttocks in a thong. Camera loses interest again and focuses on his wife who is sunbathing on a rubber ring in the pool. Camera pans back to Pony who is now waving his fists angrily. Camera quickly looks back at wife, and then back to Pony who is now close enough to knock the camera to the floor. End.


This is simple enough

Free standing punchbag

I feel our character being the egotistical sort would have some kind of punch-bag. A free-standing punch-bag would be easier, as it saves modelling a chain.
Its between a normal post, or a 'slam-man'.

Gym props referencing

heres a good site for referencing gym props

Tiki lounge props

heres an interesting site for cartoony tiki lounge items. Various toys for tiki lounge parties on sale at!

Ken Adam

The architecture designed by Ken Adam (in this instance the memorable penthouse of Willard Whyte from the 1971 film Diamonds are Forever) suits the stylistic design of the mansion we are aiming to build.

Friday 17 October 2008

First draft screneplay

Screenplay “Pony Fontana’s Crib”

Quick cuts between the Jollygood sign, a fast pan down to the mansion and a fast sideways pan to the Cadillac outside. Information screen comes up with the house information. I.e. 3000 square feet; 4 bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; underground storage warehouse; Jollygood, Les Angels. Cuts of house exterior appear in side window. Quick track up steps to door followed by fade to closeup of door. Door opens to reveal Pony Fontana standing there in a robe.

Quick cuts between various antiques, the red carpeted stairs, and eventually a pan revealing the room in its entirety focusing on the large statue of an overly masculine statue of Pony looking heroic with his foot on a severed bear head. Pony stands in front of it and starts posing. Camera attempts to look past him, and eventually turns to a door and heads through. Sped up tracking shot until new room.

Cuts between weight machines, medals on the wall, trophy cabinet, and full view of room. Pony enters and pulls the camera to be back on him. He goes to do some weight lifting and cant quite lift the weights. He gives himself a hernia and falls down.

Cuts between antique suits of armour, paintings of Pony, and upward pans of the whole corridor. Cut to bathroom door opening to reveal Pony sitting on toilet reading newspaper with his photo on front. Music stops, pace slows down. Headlines say “drug baron makes millions”. Pony looks up from paper, door shuts and camera turns down corridor, looking behind once to see pony emerge looking embarrassed at the camera before heading in the other direction.

Cuts between sun loungers, parasols, cocktail bar, and a pan to full shot of whole pool. Pony is standing in full view with his back turned posing and clenching his buttocks in a thong. Camera loses interest again and focuses on his wife who is sunbathing on a lounger. Camera pans back to Pony who is now waving his fists angrily and running towards the camera. Chases camera out of the grounds.


Just a quick reference here for the sign thats to become the iconic symbol of Jollygood

Thursday 16 October 2008

After a long, emotional meeting with the guys we finally have a clear direction with where we are going to take this. After numerous changes to the plan, we finally settled on an MTV Cribs style presentation of a mansion set in Jollygood. We have our general sequence laid down and agreed upon, so its now down to me to start thinking about storyboarding.

What better way to do this than to look at some of MTV's Cribs episodes.

This has pretty much given me all the inspiration I need to tackle some of the problems I had anticipated.

The opening scene for example- a very quick successoin of establishing shots and fast camera pans. This can contain the Jollygood sign, and some closeup shots of the architecture before getting a full shot. No need for designing any more of Jollygood than necissary! (Phew)

The transitioning between rooms can be a lot simpler than I first thought. Point of view entry from a hallway to a room for example, no lengthened flythoughs are needed. The cribs style of cutting or quickly fading between antiques or props before panning around the full room will be a also good device to make use of. (particularly if the mansions owner will be acting his usual self when the full shot is revealed!)